selling something on sell my retro and value fee's ?

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selling something on sell my retro and value fee's ?

Postby back2skooldaze » Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:40 pm

Hi I am new to selling retro items on any online auction site. I have always been a buyer which i have collected over the years and now need to start down sizing.

Before i jump on ebay as my first place of choice i thought i would give sell my retro site a go BUT i don't know what fee's or how much sell my retro site will take from an item i sell ?
I live in the UK and won't be offering to ship abroad i want to try and stick to the UK for the moment until i get the hang of things! But like i said before i understand advertising an item is free but how much will sell my retro site take for fee's ?

I will most probably start off my auctions with a fixed price as i have lots of retro console and pc's for sale and then i have radio ham gear too.
I need to off load as much as i can due to a complete re-decorate of my flat and lots of horded stuff has to go!

Any information on fee's and how much etc.. is much appreciated :)
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Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:56 pm

Re: selling something on sell my retro and value fee's ?

Postby rwap_software » Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:33 am

The fees are shown on (link is in the footer of every page).

There are no fees for setting up a standard listing and only a 2.5% fee based on the final selling price for anything you sell. Unlike ebay, we don't base our fees on the postage charge either!
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