Añadir a mis favoritos ShamaXL AME / Dual POKEY / COVOX / 320/576 kB RAM for ATARI 600XL & 800XL / DAC PCM5102A AUDIO O

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k***n (0)
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k***n (0) US$110.00 22/08/2024  06:44:50 1
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D***n (7) €110.00 24/02/2023  09:33:10 1
Feedback on this Item
PositivoPositivo D***n (7) the memory expansion works fine and double pokey sounds good
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thank you for your purchase!
11/04/2023  18:06:57

Item Number : 63390


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Precio fijo: US$110.00
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ShamaXL AME AUDIO and RAM expander for ATARI PAL/SECAM/NTSC 600XL & 800XL.
DAC PCM5102A AUDIO OUT version.

Supports audio capabilities:
POKEY1 D200h
POKEY2 D210h
COVOX 4ch 1423 D280h/D600h

For ATARI 800XL expands RAM by 256 (XL320K) / 512 (576K RAMBO, 32 banks) kilobytes.
For ATARI 600XL expands RAM by 256 (XL320K) / 448 (512K RAMBO, 28 banks) kilobytes and the base RAM to 64 kilobytes.

5-bit POLY counter works like the original POKEY chip, generating a 62-bit sequence.
HPF filters work like the original POKEY chip.

Logically determines the data stream for stereo and switches the output for stereo sound.
Mono sound is played on the left and right channels.

For 800XL, you need an external power supply of 5 volts 350 milliamps or solder a +5 volt wire to the PBI, as in the base of the 600XL for 47 or 48 pins.

Galería de imágenes

  • ShamaXL AME / Dual POKEY / COVOX / 320/576 kB RAM for ATARI 600XL & 800XL / DAC PCM5102A AUDIO O
  • ShamaXL AME / Dual POKEY / COVOX / 320/576 kB RAM for ATARI 600XL & 800XL / DAC PCM5102A AUDIO O
  • ShamaXL AME / Dual POKEY / COVOX / 320/576 kB RAM for ATARI 600XL & 800XL / DAC PCM5102A AUDIO O
  • ShamaXL AME / Dual POKEY / COVOX / 320/576 kB RAM for ATARI 600XL & 800XL / DAC PCM5102A AUDIO O
  • ShamaXL AME / Dual POKEY / COVOX / 320/576 kB RAM for ATARI 600XL & 800XL / DAC PCM5102A AUDIO O

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Questions and Answers

  • Pregunta: what benefit gives the aditional DAC? is sound quality improved?

    Enviada por D***n (7) - 24/02/2023  07:16:09

    Respuesta: The difference in sound quality can only be seen on an oscilloscope. Sound quality is no different. You can listen DAC/PWM - drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ughVu-Ay1X7gZcosUdb_GTBbKz411Ff?usp=share_link

  • You need to be logged in to ask a question

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