October 2017 News

RWAP Software News 2017
Some of you may have noticed a slight change in our focus this year. We have taken the decision to move some of our community projects into the hands of interested parties, in order to try and separate these from our commercial interests and release more time to allow us to concentrate on new products.

This has resulted in the following changes:

  • The Sinclair QL Wiki, ZX80/ZX81 forums and Z88 forums have all moved to new hosting and are no longer administered by ourselves.
  • The SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual is now available online and updated as a community project, and hosted on a public space.
  • We have uploaded various source files for our programs and programming toolkits onto the new Sinclair QL Github.

This has provided us with the time to help various designers to bring their projects to fruition, including the new Tetroid Disk Interface for the Sinclair QL and the new vDrive (SD card microdrive emulator) for the ZX Spectrum and Sinclair QL.

Our own projects continue to gather pace, with the new replacement Amiga A1200 Keyboard Membranes selling well, and a re-design of the green A600 keyboard membranes to enable the one membrane to replace both the Mitsumi Model 56C47A and 56C471B membranes.

The Retro-Printer (www.retroprinter.com) is almost ready for sale - the latest v3 PCB has now been completed and we are working on a case for the module. The software for converting captured ESC/P2 printer data and converting it to PDF (and subsequently printing to a modern printer) has been massively improved with support for the widest possible range of ESC/P2 control codes (including 360dpi and 720dpi graphics).

Watch out for this being made available through sellmyretro.com soon.

We have also teamed up with BetaGamma to offer two of their products through sellmyretro.com:

Continue reading for general news for:

  • Sinclair QL Users
  • ZX81 Users
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum Users
  • SellMyRetro.com

RWAP Software October 2017

News for Sinclair QL Users

Sinclair QL Wiki
The Sinclair QL Wiki community project now has a new home and a new look: http://qlwiki.qlforum.co.uk
Please help to make this the biggest online resource for information about the Sinclair QL.

Sinclair QL Github
A new section on Github has been created to bring together numerous projects for the Sinclair QL, including source code for various programs: https://github.com/sinclairql

SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual Online
Please remember that if you need help with programming in SuperBASIC / SBASIC, the massive SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual is now available online at: http://superbasic-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
This can be edited by anyone to add more information and ensure that it continues to provide the largest online resource for SuperBASIC.

Tetroid Disk Interface (TDI Interface)
This is a based on Tetroid's successful Trump Card clone, but with the added benefit of a built in compact flash interface, using the new QubIDE driver by Alain Haoui. It features:

  • 768K RAM
  • Toolkit II
  • Dual DSDD floppy disk interface
  • QubIDE Compact Flash card storage for use as a hard disk

Cost is just under $120 USD

If you want the updated drivers for the original QubIDE and clones (v2 GALs and much faster startup), this is available separately: https://www.sellmyretro.com/offer/details/qubata-rom-and-gal-chip--upgrade-for-qubide-1.56-24429

vDriveQL + vMap
Representing an excellent piece of reverse engineering, the vDrive is designed to fit inside a ZX Microdrive case, and allows you to store microdrive images on an SD card, for reliable access. Whilst it does not improve the speed of microdrive file access (and you are still limited to the original maximum 255 sectors on a cartridge), it does mean that you can move away from using original cartridges should you wish.

You can mount up to 8 microdrive images at a time and the vDriveQL is connected to the QL's external microdrive port using a standard microdrive cable (it even faces the front of the QL!). It even works on a standard QL without using any internal memory, so is ideal for some of the early troublesome games.

You can also purchase the vMap which is a separate small board which plugs into the QL's internal microdrive sockets and then allows you to assign the internal drives to any microdrive slot - meaning that you can store an image of a copy-protected microdrive on the vDriveQL, assign that as mdv2_ and still run the game either from original microdrive cartridge (in mdv1_) or from another microdrive image on the vDriveQL (assigned to mdv1_).
Cost is £49.95 (the vMap is sold separately) - next available November 2017

The long talked about Q68 replacement for the Sinclair QL by Peter Graf is now due to be assembled by Derek Stewart. This features:

  • Operating System: SMSQ/E
  • CPU: 68000 compatible
  • Speed: 40Mhz
  • RAM: 32 MB
  • SDHC: Two fullsize slots, hot plugging
  • QXL.WIN style storage container format
  • Keyboard and mouse: Combined PS/2 Connection, scrollwheel support
  • VGA: 1024x768 VESA for flatscreen, CRT or HDMI converter
  • Graphic modes:
    • 256x256 QL Mode 8
    • 512x256 QL Mode 4
    • 512x256 Q60 65536 colour
    • 1024x512 Q60 65536 colour
    • 1024x768 QL Mode 4
    • 512x384 Q60 65536 colour
  • Serial port
  • Stereo sampled sound, 3.5 mm output socket
  • Buffered real time clock
  • I2C interface
  • Ethernet, no software support yet
  • QL style LED colours
  • PCB Size: 8x10 cm
  • Recommended power supply: 5V @ 1A
  • Silent operation, no fans or heat
  • Case: Optional

14th Italian Meeting
The 14th Sinclair QL Italian meeting will take place on Sunday 5 November 2017 at DTM Technologies premises in Modena (10:00 to around 17:00 hours).
More details appear on the QL Forums:

News for ZX81 Users
The ZXpand+ SD Card interface has been released in a few small batches this year. This is now being sold direct by the designer (SirMorris), so if you are looking for one, ensure you are registered on sellmyretro.com and have a keyword watch set up in your profile for 'ZXpand' in order to be notified as soon as some more are listed. Be careful though - the last few lots have sold out within seconds!

We have also managed to secure some more SD cards on behalf of Jim Bagley - so keep your eye out on sellmyretro.com for some more copies of Dragon's Lair for use with the ZXpand (and ZXpand+)

Another mass storage option for the ZX81 - the ZXBlast offers up to 56K RAM and a USB memory stick (there are 2 USB connectors). Both Flash ROM and Flash RAM are included as standard and it also supports the hardware HRG mode and M1NOT (run programs in 32-48K memory range).

ZXpand UDG
A new User Defined Graphics card - designed to be used with the ZXBlast, ZXpand and ZXPand+ to provide 64 and 128 character user defined modes (it can also be disabled if required). It is compatible with the DK'tronics character ROM when loaded into memory at address 8192 and can be used from basic with a very short machine code routine (5 bytes).

A number of games have already been converted to UDG, and there is also an editor that runs on the ZX81.

ZX Printer Refurbishment
Mutant Caterpillar have now arranged for some replacement ZX Printer belts to be manufactured. Whilst these are not available to buy separately, they offer a refurbishment for the ZX Printer to ensure that you can have many years of continued use.

News for Spectrum Users
ByteDelight now offers the ZX-HD: a HDMI interface for the ZX Spectrum.
It's a plug and play device that works on all ZX Spectrum models and has a pass-through connector for any other interface. It gives a crystal clear ultra-sharp picture with vivid calibrated colours on any device with a HDMI input, and automatically up scales the resolution to fit your TV or monitor.

It support ULAplus which enhances your ZX Spectrum with 64 colour output (out of a palette of 256 colours).

What people say about the ZX-HD:
- "Gotta say, the ZX-HD from Ben Versteeg gives a stunning image. Really bright and vibrant. You've got to try one." - "ZX-HD arrived today and I have finally found time to have a play. I should have brought one of these ages ago, the picture quality is fantastic! thank you Ben Versteeg for making such a great product!" - "Daughter playing Arkanoid on my 'new' Toasty with just delivered ZX-HD from Ben Versteeg. Amazing quality. Should have ordered one six months ago!!! Picture quality is amazing :)"
The ZX-HD requires a Raspberry Pi Zero that is not included in the offer because of licensing rules, but available as separate product at SellMyRetro.

Currently the ZX-HD offers only video output, but ByteDelight is still developing the firmware, and will most probably release a version with sound in the near future.
Cost £54.99

ZXPrinter Refurbishment
Mutant Caterpillar have now arranged for some replacement ZX Printer belts to be manufactured. Whilst these are not available to buy separately, they offer a refurbishment for the ZX Printer to ensure that you can have many years of continued use.

Representing an excellent piece of reverse engineering, the vDrive is designed to fit inside a ZX Microdrive case, and allows you to store microdrive images on an SD card, for reliable access. Whilst it does not improve the speed of microdrive file access (and you are still limited to the original maximum 255 sectors on a cartridge), it does mean that you can move away from using original cartridges should you wish.
You can mount up to 8 microdrive images at a time and the vDriveZX is connected to the ZX Interface 1 (as with a normal microdrive unit).
Cost £49.95  - next available November 2017

News for SellMyRetro
SellMyRetro.com continues to grow with over 10,500 active listings at the time of writing, and over 6,000 registered retro users.
With over 1.5m page views per month, this site is becoming a great community bringing both retro users and well respected traders together.

As well as second hand software and the various projects listed above, there are of course, our wide range of keyboard membranes and spare parts, plus some great hardware for a range of computers from insdustry stalwarts such as Zaxon, ByteDelight, Mutant Caterpillar, Japsters Cavern, Pokemon, 8BitRetro, Moebius-Strip, Dan Antohi, ZX Zigg and ZX Renew.

Why not pop over to SellMyRetro.com and browse around.

Último atualizado sobr : 25/10/2017